Sottotetto Soundclub - Viadagola 16 Bologna (BO)
Torna finalmente in città ai controlli delle 3 torri del 48 ROOTS SOUND SYSTEM uno dei nostri soundman e selecter preferiti, direttamente da LONDRA, THE GREAT WASSIE ONE!! Roots reggae rockers finest selections, 7″, 12″, dubplates, all kind of support to make you jump & twist till the mornin light!!
Forse sarà l’ultima session della sessione invernale per il 48 in quel del Sottotetto, per cui tocca salutarci per bene, 3 torri in full sound effect e un ospite d’eccezione, top selector, top mc, Roots rockers style, WASSIE ONE!!
Better be there, roots rock reggae addicted!!
Start 23.00, till the mornin light!!
Entry 7 euro con tessera sottotetto 2018
@ Sottotetto SoundClub, Via Viadagola 16, Bologna.
BUS 21B fermata San Sisto, BUS NOTTURNO 20N, fermata San Sisto.
Wassie One started playing house parties, weddings and christenings etc in the early 80’s , then wanted to expand the sound system by playing large events, indoors and outdoors.
This led to the formation of Prosecutors and then Brothers by Nature, in between being respected as a One Man sound. With the usual struggles of bookings and recognition, the old saying “God bless the child that has his own”, encouraged me to start my own promotions with loyalty.
Brixton Town Hall was the stepping stone for Twelve12 Sound System (2003-2012). From the 1st Independence Dance, the 1st Dennis Brown 50th Celebration , prior to his untimely death in 1999, and various other events c/o Argonised Promotions and Blues Dance Promotions Wassie One has bought Sound Systems back to the people of South London.
Brixton Splash, now in it’s 7th year, has been an enormous success for me and the sound, but would not have been possible without one of my idols, Blacker Dread, the organiser of Brixton Splash. Blacker Dread believed in me and gave me a chance to show Brixton my Sound. The glorious feeling when at the end of every session people show appreciation, when they shake my hand and give me praise, is something not to be forgotten.
I love Sound System and I will continue to play whenever, wherever and whatever the venue – pub, club or wine bar.
Wassie One and his Sound will always be around.